5 Tips To Choose An Ecommerce Email Marketing Agency In 2022

How To Choose Ecommerce Email Marketing Agency In 2022

The internet is a massive place and overflowing with businesses seeking your attention. 

You might even be there now. 

But building a scalable email marketing program is tricky. Unless you have the right weapons, you’re guaranteed to get lost in the marketing desert and perish for eternity. 

That’s why building an effective Ecommerce email marketing agency is not something you want to mess around with.

Email marketing can have a significant positive impact on your conversion rates and sales. Here, in the article, we’ll cover how to choose an email marketing agency that will help to boost your conversion rates and increase your profits.

What Does Email Marketing Mean For An Ecommerce Brand?

Email marketing is one of the best ways to get your Ecommerce brand in front of customers and keep them coming back. It’s a tried-and-true method that’s proven effective for years, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.

The goal is to build an audience that trusts you and wants to hear from you, so they can be persuaded to buy something. However, being so affordable makes it seem like a no-brainer for Ecommerce brands, but many businesses fail to make email marketing a priority. 

As an Ecommerce business owner, you should be using email marketing too! Here’s why:

1. Email is the most powerful marketing channel.

It’s true — according to reports, email is the most effective digital marketing channel for driving ROI. The study found that email marketing companies had a $40 higher return on investment (ROI) than those that didn’t use it.

2. It’s easy for customers to ignore ads—but not emails.

Email subscribers are more likely than non-subscribers to convert to your website. They know they’ve signed up for your emails and expect them. That means they’ll have a better chance of reading their content (and taking action).

3. You can target specific customers with relevant content.

Many people use social media networks like Facebook and Twitter to advertise their products or services. Unfortunately, these ads often get lost among the other content shared on social media sites. 

Email newsletters allow you to send targeted messages directly to your subscribers, who are more likely to read them because they were interested enough in your brand in the first place to sign up for updates from you.

4. You can increase sales by sending discount codes and exclusive offers through email.

Email subscribers love getting exclusive discounts and offers that aren’t available anywhere else — especially if these offers are time-sensitive so that their friends won’t find out about them! 

If you want to send discount codes or special promotions through email, use an app like BayEngage, which allows you to create landing pages based on specific products or categories to track how many conversions were generated easily.

5. It builds trust and credibility.

Marketers often use email newsletters to build trust between themselves and their audience. By sending regular updates about new products, promotions, and special deals, you can help your customers feel more engaged with your brand. It will help them develop a sense of loyalty towards your company which they can transfer over into repeat purchases.

6. It can help you get more traffic from search engines.

Email marketing can help you get more traffic from search engines by helping you set up an autoresponder sequence that allows people who visit your website to sign up for future messages from you. 

You’ll also want to ensure that you’re using keywords in your copy on the landing page where people sign up so that Google knows their interests when they click through.

7. It lets you build up a list of loyal subscribers.

These subscribers are interested in hearing from you regularly and may even be willing to share their personal information. The longer someone subscribes to your email list, the more likely they will convert into paying customers. 

You can use this as leverage when convincing them to purchase items by appealing directly through a series of emails sent over time rather than just once before launching a new product line or service offering.

8. It is a great way to reach your customers on a personal level.

Email marketing is a great way to reach your customers personally and is an integral part of any ecommerce brand’s marketing strategy.

Email marketing allows you to send personalized messages/deals that interest them and help build trust between you and your audience. This makes them feel like you care about them and their needs, which is crucial to customer retention. The more you interact with them, the more likely they will come back again!

How To Choose The Best Ecommerce Email Marketing Agency For Your Needs

If you want to succeed in the Ecommerce industry, you must stay ahead of your competitors. That means staying on top of new trends in technology and marketing. But if you’re a small business owner with limited resources, it can be hard to keep up with all the changes.

Ecommerce email marketing is one of the best ways to get your products noticed by potential customers and convert them into customers. However, doing it right takes time and effort. Fortunately, there are services like Ecommerce Email Marketing that can help.

Choosing the right Ecommerce email marketing agency for your needs can be challenging. Here are some tips for making the best choice:

1. Look for experience

The best agencies have been around for years and have plenty of experience working with clients from various industries. 

They understand how to use different email marketing campaigns to meet their clients’ needs — whether they’re selling digital products or physical goods — and the know-how to ensure those campaigns effectively drive sales.

2. Find out how many customers they have worked with in this field.

You must ask the company about their experience and if they can show you some examples of their previous work.

If it’s a large number, then the agency has likely had experience dealing with clients who sell similar products and services as you. It will give them valuable insight into your business, which they can use to create better-targeted campaigns that get results.

3. Ask for references, and talk to the companies who have used them in the past.

It is another way to determine if an Ecommerce email marketing agency has what it takes for your business. 

It is also a good idea to get recommendations from people who have used them before so that you know what kind of work they can do for you and how easy or difficult it was for them to work with them in the past.

Here are some questions you should ask when talking to potential partners:

  • What were the results? 
  • How much time did they need before seeing any results? 
  • How hard was it to work with them? 
  • Did they meet their deadlines? 
  • Did they keep their promises? 
  • Were they transparent about costs and deliverables? 
  • Was it easy to get in touch with someone with any issues or problems?

4. Look at their portfolio of previous clients and their work.

You want an agency with a great portfolio of previous clients who have seen success working with them. 

You also want an agency whose work is easily identifiable as high-quality, such as having great design or copywriting skills. It will help ensure that any campaigns they create for you will also be successful!

5. Consider their pricing structure and quoted turnaround times before deciding.

Some agencies offer fixed packages while others charge by the hour, so consider this when comparing email marketing agency pricing across different companies before signing up with them. 

It’s also essential to provide precise turnaround times for projects or campaigns that must be completed within a set timeframe so that deadlines aren’t missed.

7 Questions To Ask An Ecommerce Email marketing Agency

Email marketing is one of the most successful ways to drive sales and increase conversion rates. Ecommerce businesses are not an exception. But what if you are not sure about your email marketing strategy?

Here are seven questions to ask an Ecommerce Email Marketing agency:

1. Does the agency specialize in email, or is email one of many offerings?

The best email marketing agencies have a team explicitly trained in email marketing. It means they have years of experience in the field and have worked with hundreds of clients in different industries.

When looking for an email marketing agency, consider whether they’re focused on email or if it’s just one service among many other offerings. If they don’t specialize in email, their team will likely be unable to offer you the same level of expertise as an agency.

2. What are the service offerings within the agency or email practice of the agency?

Are specific individuals working on only one element of email marketing (e.g., copywriting)? Or do they have experts who work across multiple areas of email marketing? This information will help you determine if it’s worth hiring various agencies for different parts of your program or if one agency can handle all aspects of the program for you.

3. How experienced is the agency on multiple email platforms?

It would help choose an agency that manages multiple platforms and email service providers (ESPs). If you use numerous ESPs, they can integrate, but it’s more likely that they won’t. If you want your emails to be sent from one ESP but hosted by another, you will need an agency that knows how to work with both.

4. What is the company’s reputation?

Is it a reputable company? Is it trustworthy? What do other people say about it? How long has it been in business? You should know these things before hiring an Ecommerce email marketing agency. You must ensure that your chosen company is reliable and can deliver on its promises.

5. What is the experience level?

The more experience an Ecommerce email marketing agency has, the better. Experienced agencies will know what works and doesn’t work regarding marketing campaigns. 

This is why it is essential to ask them how long they have been in business and how many clients they have worked with in the past. It also helps if they can share some examples of their previous work so that you can see what kind of results they can provide for your business.

6. Will it be easy to migrate/integrate my store?

If you’re a startup with limited resources and time, you probably don’t want to spend months planning and executing a complicated migration process. You want to get up and running to start seeing results. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure that your chosen agency can help you migrate smoothly and quickly.

7. What’s the cost—both now and later?

When it comes to an Ecommerce email marketing agency, you probably want to know how much you can expect to pay. But that’s not the only question you should ask. You also want to know what value you’re getting for your money. So here are three questions to ask about email marketing agency pricing:

  • How much does this service cost?
  • What kind of discounts do they offer?
  • What is included in their plans?

It would be best if you also asked how much it will cost on an ongoing basis once the initial campaign is complete. This way, you can determine if it makes sense for your business to continue working with this agency in the future.

Check Out These Three Best Email Marketing Agencies In 2022

1. MessageHarbor

ecommerce email marketing agency

MessageHarbor provides a full-service email marketing agency with everything you need to effectively reach your customers and prospects. We have the tools, knowledge, and expertise to help you build a successful email marketing campaign that enables you to grow your business quickly.

Our goal is to help companies achieve the highest possible ROI from their email marketing efforts by building highly personalized digital relationships that influence buying decisions within their target audience.

We also help global brands reach and grow their audience of customers through great design, high-quality deliverability, effective targeting, and smart analytics.

Services offered:

  • Email deliverability
  • Cold email marketing
  • Email marketing strategy and audit
  • Template design and creation
  • Email list growth
  • Automated email campaigns
  • Email newsletters and campaigns

2. Inboxgroup

Inboxgroup is an email marketing agency that helps brands build, manage and measure their digital customer journeys across all online channels. Their integrated approach, backed by the decades of experience of email experts, will help you get more actionable insights and make your email marketing more personal, targeted, and results-oriented.

3. Inboxarmy 

Inboxarmy is a leading email marketing agency. They optimize email campaigns worldwide for small and medium businesses, converting emails into leads and customers. With Inboxarmy, you can plan, deploy and track email marketing solutions that empower companies to make revenue through email.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right Ecommerce email marketing agency is not a small decision. It can make the difference between success and failure, so taking your time and choosing carefully and wisely is essential.

With robust features, an easy-to-use interface, and a team of experts to help you, MessageHarbor is leading the way in email marketing. It will be the best Ecommerce email marketing agency in 2022.

Picture of Janani H

Janani H

Janani H is a Content Writer at TargetBay, an Ecommerce Marketing Cloud used by thousands of online stores across the globe. She enjoys writing about the power of emails in marketing, and when she isn't writing, she can be found riding the Metro and trying out new local foods.

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