7 Things To Consider When Hiring A B2B Email Marketing Agency

You’ve finally decided it’s time to get some help with your B2B email marketing — great! 

Why do so many business owners procrastinate when outsourcing their email campaigns? While it’s true that the process of finding the right agency can take longer than expected, the advantages of enlisting external help are too numerous to ignore. 

Suppose you’re considering outsourcing to a b2b email marketing agency and don’t know how to choose a good one. Without further ado, we would like to guide you into making the best decision to improve your business’s marketing results dramatically.

What To Look For In A B2B Email Marketing Agency Partner

There are a lot of companies out there that claim to be B2B email marketing experts. But how can you tell who’s the best?

Here are five things to look for in a b2b email marketing agency partner:

1. A history of success

If it’s less than two years, be careful. It takes time to get good at email marketing and even longer to build a reputation as an expert in your field. Before signing with any agency, find out how long they’ve been in business and their track record with similar agencies.

2. A transparent process for success


Your goal as a business owner is to generate leads and increase sales by sending emails to your target audience — but not all agencies have processes to help you achieve this goal. Some agencies have no strategy at all! 

Make sure your partner knows what they’re doing before signing on the dotted line. Ask them about their strategies and tactics, then ask them questions about each one until you’re comfortable with their answers (or lack thereof). If they don’t have a plan or strategy ready when they begin working with you, move on!

3. A range of services

One of the biggest challenges facing B2B marketers is lack of time. Most companies are already stretched thin trying to manage all facets of their business — from sales to marketing. That means engaging an agency with expertise across multiple channels is key to getting more bang for your buck.

4. A strategic approach


A b2b email marketing agency should be able to look at your business goals and develop a strategy that aligns with them. You want someone who can come up with ideas to help you achieve those goals — not just send out generic emails that don’t resonate with anyone on your list.

 5. Expertise in your industry

No matter what vertical you’re in, something new on the horizon requires your attention internally and externally. With so much happening around you, having someone on your team who understands where you’re coming from can make all the difference in delivering results quickly and effectively.

6. Technology platforms supported

If you use email marketing software like Mailchimp, Klaviyo, BayEngage, etc., ensure that the agency you choose supports those platforms (and others). If not, find out if they can integrate with them so that you don’t have to switch tools halfway through your campaign — this can result in lost subscribers and wasted money.

7 Tips For Finding The Best B2B Email Marketing Agency

Before hiring a b2b email marketing agency, look at their website and read past work. Do they have experience with businesses similar to yours? What do other companies say about them?

If you’re interested in using email marketing as part of your B2B strategy, here are five tips for finding the best B2B Email marketing agency:

1. Ask them about their experience with B2B clients

You should ask the prospective agency about their experience with B2B clients. How long they’ve been working with them? What kind of campaigns have they run? What results do they get? The more experience an agency has working with B2B clients, the better you’ll be.

2. Ask them how they approach each campaign

b2b email marketing agency

A good agency will be able to tell you exactly how they approach each campaign — what steps they take and why those steps are necessary. A good agency should also be able to explain how every step relates to your goals as a business owner or marketer. If an agency can’t explain how each step relates to your goals, it might not be the right match for your business goals.

3. Ask them what they do when they encounter a problem

Having a good relationship with your email marketing provider is essential because if something goes wrong, you’ll want someone you can talk to. Find out what their process is for when things go wrong and see how responsive they are at resolving issues.

4. Ask them about their past successes with B2B clients

You want an email marketing agency with experience working with other B2B companies like yours. An experienced b2b email marketing agency will know how to communicate with your customers in a way that resonates with them and gets them excited about your product or service.

5. Make sure they understand your industry

 If you’re in a niche industry, ensure the B2B email marketing agency you hire has experience working with businesses like yours. If they don’t have customers from your specific industry, they’ll have difficulty understanding your business and its needs.

6. Ensure the agency can offer a range of services and solutions

If you’re looking for an experienced b2b email marketing agency, you must ensure that the provider can offer various services and solutions. From creating your first campaign to managing your ongoing automated email campaigns, the agency needs to be able to provide a full service.

7. Make sure the agency offers flexible pricing

You should also make sure that you choose an agency that offers flexible pricing options. Many companies charge clients based on their size or number of contacts, but this doesn’t always work well if your business proliferates or if you want more flexibility in how much you spend on your emails each month.

Benefits Of Hiring A B2B Email Marketing Agency

B2B email marketing has the power to transform your business, but it can be challenging to get right.

The best way to ensure your B2B emails are effective is to hire a professional email marketing agency. Here are just some of the benefits of hiring a B2B email marketing agency:

You’ll leverage the best tactics.

A good B2B email marketing agency will have years of email marketing experience and know the best practices and what works for your industry. They’ll also know what doesn’t work, so you won’t waste time on strategies that don’t convert or deliver ROI.

You’ll generate quality leads. 

You can’t expect to grow your business without leads, and that’s where B2B email marketing comes in. It’s one of the most effective ways of generating high-quality information that can be nurtured into sales opportunities through other channels such as social media, content, and SEO.

You’ll save money.

Hiring an email marketing expert saves you money in many ways: 

  • You get more targeted results from fewer emails sent out 
  • You don’t have to pay for expensive equipment (such as servers)
  • There is no need to hire additional staff or spend time learning how to use new software tools that might come with their learning curve.

You get better results.

A professional knows how to target your audience and understand their needs. They can use this knowledge to create compelling messages that work for your business and your customers. They can also use their analytics and optimization techniques expertise to ensure your email marketing program works for you.

You’ll get access to top industry tools and trends.

If you’re looking to take your email marketing to the next level, hiring an agency with experience and expertise in this area makes sense. They’ll be able to offer you access to some of the most popular industry tools and trends, helping you reach your audience more effectively than ever before.

You’ll maximize sustainability.

Hiring an agency is an excellent way to ensure that your emails are sustainable over time. With their expertise, they can help you measure how well your campaigns are performing so that you can make adjustments as needed.

You’ll maximize ROI.

When it comes down to it, most businesses want to maximize their ROI on every campaign they run — including their email marketing efforts. This is where hiring an agency can pay off because they will have access to data about past campaigns and insights into what works best for different industries and companies at different stages in their lifecycle.

How Much Does A B2B Email Marketing Agency Charge?

It’s not easy to answer this question. So many factors go into the price of your email marketing campaign.

The size of your list, activity level, the frequency and timing of your emails, and the number of people who click through to your site are just a few examples.

But here’s what you need to know: You can’t rely on a single number when comparing prices between agencies. If you want an apples-to-apples comparison, ask each agency for an estimate based on similar parameters.

For example, you might ask them how much they would charge to send an email newsletter three times per month to 10,000 subscribers at $15 per thousand impressions (CPM) — which works out to $150 per month.

Also, remember that some agencies have minimum fees for certain services or packages. For example, some require a minimum monthly fee for their standard service package if you don’t send enough emails or have too few subscribers. Other companies may offer discounts if you pay annually instead of monthly.

So what should you expect to pay? Here are different email marketing agency pricing models from MessageHarbor for your reference:

Results-driven B2B Email Marketing Agency Services From MessageHarbor

MessageHarbor is a b2b email marketing agency that offers results-driven services to help you achieve your marketing goals. We are a team of experienced marketers and designers who understand the importance of building trust, credibility, and authority for our clients to grow their businesses. 

With years of experience in email marketing, we have helped hundreds of companies across many industries to create effective campaigns, build their brand and acquire new customers. We specialize in creating unique email marketing campaigns that will help you generate more leads, increase sales and improve communication with your existing customers.

The key to our success is our approach to business. We work closely with each client to understand their requirements and deliver tailored strategies unique to their needs. We combine our expertise with advanced technology, so you get personalized service at an affordable price. 

MessageHarbor uses industry-leading software such as BayEngage, Mailchimp, Klaviyo, HubSpot, and more. It allows us to provide exceptional service that other agencies can’t match!

What Types Of B2B Email Marketing Campaigns Can MessageHarbor Create?

There are many different types of email marketing campaigns that you can create with MessageHarbor. You can start with the basics and expand your horizons as you become more comfortable with the platform.

Here are some examples:

Product launches:

MessageHarbor can create product launch campaigns for you by sending emails when your product is released and follow-up emails to prompt customers to purchase or subscribe during the limited-time offer period.

Product updates or announcements:

When it comes to product updates and announcements, you can use MessageHarbor to create a newsletter that announces new features, new integrations, or any other updates to your software. You can even include a discount code or special promotion for those who sign up for the email list.

Upcoming events:

With MessageHarbor, you can create an email marketing campaign that promotes your upcoming events, webinars, and conferences. You can also schedule it to go out a few days before the event begins so that your subscribers can begin preparing for it before they even arrive.

Email newsletters:

MessageHarbor’s email newsletter templates make it easy to create beautiful newsletters that look professional, will look great on any device, and will put your best foot forward. We have templates for every industry, so whether you’re in fashion, technology, or another field, we’ve got you covered.

Transactional emails:

Transactional emails are the bread and butter of any B2B marketing campaign. You send these emails to customers after they’ve signed up, completed a purchase, or made a request. MessageHarbor can help you create transactional emails like welcome emails, thank you emails, order confirmation emails, receipts, product updates, and more.

Follow-up emails:

Follow-up emails are one of the most effective ways to keep your audience engaged with your brand. These emails can be triggered based on a customer’s actions, including placing an order, visiting a specific page, adding an item to the cart and then removing it, viewing a product in detail, and more.

Re-engagement emails:

Re-engagement emails are the perfect way to reconnect with your audience after a long time. You can use these emails to remind customers about a sale you’re having or to let them know about a new product you’ve launched. MessageHarbor can help you create re-engagement emails that are personalized, relevant, and effective.

Shopping cart reminders:

A shopping cart reminder email is a simple and effective way to reengage with your customers. It’s a message that reminds them to complete their purchase and check out. MessageHarbor can help you create personalized shopping cart reminders that are triggered based on the number of days since a user added an item to their cart. 

Final Thoughts!

Ultimately, the best b2b email marketing agency for your needs will depend on several factors. Creating an effective marketing strategy starts with identifying your goals and budget, which we’ve covered in this article. 

But you’ll also want to consider the size of your company, current marketing strategies, and how long you plan to maintain the relationship with a given agency. 

What’s more, there are plenty of other questions you should be asking–things like SEO services, website design and development, lead generation services, multi-channel marketing campaigns, and so forth.

If you want a perfect answer to all these questions, look no further than MessageHarbor. MessageHarbor is a full-service b2b email marketing agency with crucial elements that will save your time and get you moving in the right direction for a successful B2B email marketing campaign.

Picture of Janani H

Janani H

Janani H is a Content Writer at TargetBay, an Ecommerce Marketing Cloud used by thousands of online stores across the globe. She enjoys writing about the power of emails in marketing, and when she isn't writing, she can be found riding the Metro and trying out new local foods.

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